Cancellation and Refund

1. Cancellation Policy

  • Orders can be canceled before they are shipped or delivered. To cancel your order, contact us at [email protected] or through our customer service portal.
  • Once the order is shipped, cancellations will no longer be accepted. However, you may initiate a return or refund as outlined below.

2. Return and Refund Policy

  • We offer a no-questions-asked 7-day return and refund policy. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you may return the product within 7 days of delivery for a full refund.
  • Returns will be accepted only if:
    • The product is unused and in its original packaging.
    • All original tags, labels, and invoices are intact.
  • Refunds will be processed once the returned item is received and inspected.

3. How to Initiate a Return or Refund

  • To request a return or refund:
    1. Contact us at [email protected].
    2. Provide your order number, proof of purchase, and reason for return (optional).
    3. Our team will provide a return authorization and further instructions.

4. Refund Timeline

  • Refunds will be processed within 7-10 business days after the returned product is received and inspected.
  • Refunds will be credited to the original payment method used during the purchase.

5. Exceptions

  • Products that are damaged, missing, or not in their original condition may not be eligible for a refund.
  • Certain products, such as perishable goods or custom items, may not be eligible for return. These exceptions will be clearly stated on the product page.

6. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding cancellations, returns, or refunds, please reach out to us: Expo Bin Email: [email protected] Address: 76/6 Dadhi Harnam 145 Nalagarh Himachal Pradesh 174101 India